Dad's Pictures 33 -

Monday, March 31, 2008

We are still here!

Good afternoon everybody! After three months I thought it might be a good time for an update! My dad has made tremendous progress since the last blog in late December. I don't really know where to start so I guess I will just give you an update. I traveled to Florida last week on business and was fortunate enough to visit with my parents...that's right Florida! For those of you who don't know my parents decided to pack up and leave those cold Albany winter days and temporarily relocate to Ft. Pierce, Florida. They have been there since early February and have been loving every warm, sunny minute! As you may recall, my dad and mom were commuting to therapy three days a week in Albany and headed home on the weekends. Dad was able to maneuver around the house on his own pretty well, but was getting a bit of cabin fever. There was so much snow, ice, and extremely cold weather he could never get out of the house. He wanted to go for walks and enjoy the outdoors. So, they decided to give Florida a go! probably one of the best decisions that could have made. Before my dad left he bid his therapists good-bye and said he would see them when he returns. The corrected him and said that his therapy was progressing so well that he wouldn't be coming back to therapy. He would have to rehab on his own at a gym. Quite a shock for dad since he has made Albany med his second home for over four months.

So, off to Florida! My brother Robb headed down on the plane with my dad to get them situated and comfortable. My mom drove down and joined them about a week later bringing all the things they will need for their three or four month visit. Mom arrived and was able to find a facility where dad can continue his rehab. He has advanced so much that he is primarily working on hand and shoulder strength. He lost a tremendous amount of strength in those parts as well as loss the nerve damage caused. Florida has truly provided some healing we didn't even consider. He is able to use an outdoor Olympic size pool at the community college. The water work has been fantastic for his physical and mental conditioning. The sun and being able to go for a walk outside without the danger of falling has been great. And last, but certainly not least, the freedom to hit a golf ball and even go 9 holes! That's right, he has been chipping, putting and even golfing - though he will tell you it's all upper body! It's rare that he can golf because it completely wipes him out, but he has done it! It has provided him with great hope that he will someday, in the not too distant future, be able to do once again what he loves best - golf! I believe that in itself has provided him with a great motivation to keep putting in all the hard work that he has for over seven months!

When I walked in to their place last week I shouted to see if anybody was home. I heard dad say "in the back". I walked out back to find him in a chair with his feet up, sipping a glass of red, watching the sunset! It was beautiful! I couldn't have asked for a more perfect picture! My dad is getting stronger everyday thanks to all your thoughts and prayers! Please keep them coming!

Best wishes,
