Dad's Pictures 33 -

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Well, Joe has dozed off and we are awaiting another go-around with the CPM machine at 11:00 P.M. Two hours on and two hours off for 24 hours a day can tire a guy out. Besides, the machine weighs a ton and Joe can't move his own legs, so it takes a few people to get the thing on and off. He seems to be tolerating it just fine on the left leg and the right leg will re-join the rehab on its own CPM machine when the infection is under better control. Yes, we have now added Infectious Diseases to the other Teams that are attending Joe. They joined us yesterday and have become part of our happy little dysfunctional family - Trauma, Orthopedics, Plastics and Infectious Diseases. What's not to love there?
Monday was pretty exhausting as the ortho residents finally realized that the femur incision did not look good. We had been watching the dressing over the incision all weekend with great concern. So Joe was shipped off to surgery on monday to clean and debride the wound. Another 2 liters of infected material, bone chips and muscle fragments were removed and the whole area cleaned. A large pressure dressing was applied and was to stay in place until surgery the next day. Bright and early the next day, Infectious Diseases arrived. They already knew that there was a Staph infection involved and were still examining the material to see if there were any other bacteria involved. As they spoke to us about hoping to save the life and hopefully, the limb, we knew that we were back to our first goal - survival. It was a difficult and frightening time, but we managed to get a grip and prepare for Joe's scheduled surgery for that day... the removal of the external fixator from the left tibia and the bone repair and setting. Now included in this day's surgery was another washing out and debridement of the femur wound and the placement of a nice, large would Vac packed from deep inside to the outside. The plan is to take him to surgery every 48 hours to do the same thing until they feel the infection is under some kind of control. Hopefully, they will be able to keep it away from the bone and give the rod a chance to provide stability until the bone can begin to heal. Dr. S. would really like all the metal out of the body, but that is just not possible right now, so they have to work with what they have. Joe was scheduled to be 4th in line for surgery that day and expected to go about 3:00 or 4:00, and true to hospital form, it was 8:00 when he went. We have learned that hospital schedule change in the blink of an eye, but we have great faith in Dr. L. and he has done an excellent job so far. He has said that as long as Joe can wiggle his toes, he'll keep working on the problems that develop. It helped Joe to be confident about the outcome of the surgery and that gives us some peace of mind. Thank you again for all your thoughts and prayers. Cindi


Tom Hamilton said...

We're all pulling hard with Joe. Please stay well yourself. We send you all of our love, prayers, and good wishes,
Jeanne & Tom

Anonymous said...

Hi Joe, Cindi and family - We are following your progress and keeping you all in our prayers. We are hopeful that the surgeries, the antibiotics and Joe's enormous will to live will help you all get by the staph infection. By the way, Dan says he has a cigar for Joe when he gets back.
All our best,
Lynn and Dan

Anonymous said...

Cindi and Joe,
It has been a while since I have talked with you. Annette and I are stil praying and thinking about both of you. Thank you for taking the time to let us know about his progress. Don't ever loose faith, we haven't.
Annette and Vinny Cortese

Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone:

I have been checking the reports daily on Joes recovery. Dick and I are thinking of you everyday and our prayers and thoughts continue for all of you. I belong to a bible study class and we have put you on our prayer list.

It is so wonderful of you to keep all your family and friends posted. Although we are near to help I hope it helps to know you are cared about and in our thoughts daily.
Our Love
Dottie & Dick

dana said...

Hi Popo,

The whipper-snappers, Sorge and I think about you all the time. They are constantly asking me if your boo-boos are better. We love you and heart you. Everybody wants to know when you are going to come to our house for a visit.
You looked so good when I left on Wednesday and I can't wait to see you next week b/c I know you will look even better. I hope you get some rest this weekend. You are doing a tremendous job so far and I know you are ready for whatever may present itself next. Stay strong.
Lots of Love from Cleveland,
Dana, Sorge, T, Annabelle and Maddy-girl