Dad's Pictures 33 -

Saturday, October 6, 2007

More Good News!

Joe continues to recover miraculously. His stamina, will and good physical health are pushing him to full recovery. His spirits are good. He appreciates all the well wishers and bloggers who are following his progress. Your prayers and good thoughts are making a huge difference! Thank you, thank you, thank you. Cindi is helping Joe do exercises right now. He is really showing off! He is very energetic and disciplined about executing hand, arm, and leg maneuvers. He is able to lift his legs several inches off the bed, bend his knee, ankle rolls excellent! Cindi is the Doctor on Duty and on call 24/7. As she just said, "Joe is going to be in better shape than we are" (doing his exercises). She is very skilled at working with the doctors in getting their attention to new issues that arise. Joe has asked his primary ortho doc for a doctor's white coat with Dr. Ferraro written on it for Cindi. Cinid is continuing to develop her natural talent for intuitive medical diagnosis and is getting the right doctor's attention to the problem. Joe looks great and has great energy and spirit. Miracles are happening every day! Continue to send those prayers and positive thoughts Joe's way, it means everything to him and his family. Thank you is inadequate for the tremendous gratitude the Ferraro-King family feel for your love and support.
Signing off,
Bev King, Joe's sister-in-law
At Albany Medical Center


Anonymous said...

Joe and Cindi,
We were getting a little nervous because we hadn't heard anything since the 3rd. We're so happy to hear of Joe's continued progress.
We are still keeping all of you in our prayers daily. Joe-keep up the good work.

Vinny and Annette Cortese

Anonymous said...

Bev--I was going to call you this weekend to see how everything is with Joe, but now I see you are up there and have given me another amazingly great report. I think Cindi definitely needs a white coat-- with her name on it. Afterall, she graduated from CCW with a medical secretarial degree. That should be good for something, right??

I hope Joe enjoyed his coffee ice cream. When he wants something even better, tell him to try Ben and Jerry's Coffee Heath Bar Crunch--delicious!!

Love to all the family, Nancy B.

Anonymous said...

thinking about you all the time... boy are we so happy to hear Joe is doing so good ... Cindi tell Joe we love Coffee Ice Cream too ... My best one is Heath Bar too. Joe Keep up the good work, your doing amazing Cindi we miss you too golf & mah... Joe you can play with us too.
Cant wait to see you soon Jackie & Larry

Anonymous said...

Hi Joe Cindy & Family.

This weekend is our Thanksgiving. Yes this is the Canadian Connection siging in again. Bill & I are so happy to hear the great progress Joe is making. We are still saving dimes for him. Mind you, he may not want to use them with the price of the Canadian dollar going up (ha ha). As we sit around the dinner table with our children and grandchildren tonight a special thankyou will be said for Joe and to his guardian angels that are still hovering over him. Love Bill & Sandy.

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that your condition is improving Joe, You guys are the best medical team anyone could ask for. Here's to continued healing and our thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

Anonymous said...

Just reading up on you Mr. Ferraro! I was thinking......I bet your giving Alb Med the sales pitch for your translation phone aren't ya? Hahaha!! I love reading about your amazing progress. Keep it up Mr. Ferraro!! And a big hello to Robb and the rest of your great family. Take care guys
Mike Dupuis

dana said...


Hi, we were thinking of you when we were with the Pittsburgh Ferraro's this weekend. Each little whipper-snapper got you a mini-pumkin. Todd and I will bring them to you this weekend. Everybody had a lot of fun but you were never out of our hearts and we wished you and Nana could have gone apple picking with us. We will count on it next year. We got daily updates from Bev and Mom and we already knew you were continuing to do a fabulous job but it is still wonderful to hear.
Can't wait to see how great you are doing myself. You are a superstar! See you in a few days.

Dane, Sorge, Turner, Annabelle and Maddy-girl

Anonymous said...

Hey Joe & Cindi,
So glad to here of Joe's continued progress as everyone that we talk to are. Jeanne spoke with Aileen from Montreal last light and she sends her and Normond's best wishes. They look forward to seeing you two at GT. Joe, she said that she wouldn't go with us to "Archie's" -- to greasy -- how would she know, she's from Canada.
keep working hard, we all wish we could do some of the work for you.
Our very best,
Jeanne and Tom

Anonymous said...

Joe and Cindi,

We are so glad to read of Joe's amazing progress. His determination is very inspiring. God bless you both!

Mike and Sue Bamrick

Anonymous said...

Awesome news to hear Joe's doing so well -- hopefully you are all getting a little more rest these days as well. Everyone take care -- our positive thoughts are with you everyday.
Ken and Becky