Dad's Pictures 33 -

Monday, October 15, 2007

A little chatty...

I was thrilled upon my arrival today to find my dad talking up a storm, pretty much to anyone who would listen. He showed me how he could open his mouth a little bit and told me all of the things that he has had to eat since they "freed" the jaw. It has mostly been soft foods but it has all made him very happy. He keeps asking for Cheez-Its. I don't know...Dr. Ferraro (aka Cindi/Mom) seems to think he should wait until Friday when he gets clearance from Dr. Da Fatta.. However, I personally know that one of my brothers (who happens to be tall, loves pizza & wings, and is married to someone named Arlene) smuggled in some chocolate chip cookies for him. I think they had to be crumbled into really small pieces but he still enjoyed them. So I'm not going to tell you which bro that was (I wouldn't want to get him in trouble with Dr. Ferraro), just know that he had good intentions. My dad is just craving real food, especially chips and snacks right now. It's about 10 PM and we're watching TV, and if he were home he would definitely be snacking on something...I guess if he had his way it would be Cheez-Its.


Tom Hamilton said...

Hey Joe,
The must recent vote at GHCC was to leave the jaw wired but I guess you convinced the Dr.'s to open it up.
This is great news -- It means that your one day closer to eating greasy Hamburgers at Archie's (I guess you have had to have gone there to appreciate it). We're ball happy for your progress and look forward to seeing you all soon. Our very best wishes and prayers.
Jeanne & Tom

dana said...

Hi Popo,

Stac said she was going to bring you some lasagna tonight, we hope it was yummy. The girls really appreciate the food updates. You know how they love their food and worry about what you are eating. We hope you are doing your exercises and listening to Dr. Ferraro and the other doctors. You are making us proud everyday.
Sorge is out watching the Tribe. It is pretty exciting for those of us who live here in Cleveland.
Love, Dana, Sorge, Turner, Annabelle and Madalynne

Unknown said...

Hi Joe,
We just heard about your accident. We hope things keep improving. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Nils and Helen Carlson
Stonepost Road