Dad's Pictures 33 -

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


We are at the end of another day of survival for Joe, with the ups and downs of the day and a few bumps. They were able to do a tracheostomy this evening, so it meant they could extubate him. This should make life a little more bearable for him while still facilitating the breathing on the ventilator. They have started to rotate his bed just slightly to aid in the breathing and the circulation and to try to head off the bed sores and ulcers. He is resting relatively comfortably after the surgery.
We want to thank everyone who has sent us such wonderful messages of love and caring. Please continue to keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
Love from The Ferraro Family


Robb said...

Dad, yanks beat sox in first of three on Damon homer Stay strong R-boy

Carole Benard said...

Our thought and Prayers are with you....Love Gary & Carole (Campisi)Benard...Hi Stacey...think of you often...especially when I see Ducks!!!!

Anonymous said...


Cant stop thinking about you. I'm praying all the time for you!


Anonymous said...

Popo and family - You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Popo is an AMAZING man. I have always admired his dedication to your family. And I'm sure just knowing he has all of you in his life brings him strength. Hugs!

Anonymous said...

Cindy and Joe, all us Goodings are thinking and praying for you. If there's ever anything we can do, big or small, let us know. The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love, and you have ample amounts of both. Love,
Chris, Brian and the whole Gooding clan.

arlene flynn said...

Dear Cindi, Thank you so much for keeping all of us updated on Joe's progress. We are all so desparate for information about his condition, it is comforting to hear from you. One can only imagine the moment-by-moment agony you are experiencing, so that taking time to keep us informed becomes even more significant. Please try to take some care of yourself as well.Our love and prayers, Arlene and Bill

Anonymous said...


Keep strong and take baby steps! We are so blessed to have so many friends and loved ones praying for your quick recovery! We are with you all the way and will never leave you!


Pam, Scott, Bryce, and Graham

Anonymous said...

Joe, Cindi and family,

All the Boyle's in Springfield are constantly thinking and praying for Popo. If there is anything that we can do do not hesitate to ask.


Patty, John, Chris, Tavish, Blair and Cagney.