Dad's Pictures 33 -

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Another really good day...with lots of ice cream

Hi everyone,
Today was another really good day for my dad. One of the doctors came thru today who hasn't seen him since the SICU and told my dad he looked like a rose compared to the last time he saw him. He really did look good and had some pretty good energy. He sat up in his bed a lot, we played cards, he read some of the paper, and ate quite a bit...well sucked a lot of liquid thru a straw but you know what I mean.
He's moved on to ice cream, thinned out pudding, ice cream, still on the broth, and more ice cream. The ice cream was mostly in the shake form or melted down but this afternoon he tried these little miniscule bites right off the spoon and between his "mmmmm"'s and "ohhhhhh"'s he declared "Stac, this tastes so much better like this than when it's melted or in a shake!" He was so happy he had ice cream with every meal and then for an afternoon snack. Yesterday when he found out he will need to drink this nasty stuff called Nepro and Boost even after he gets out of the hospital he said to me, "You mean your mother is gonna make me drink this stuff when I'm at home?" I said, "Yeah, because it is really good for you. It has all of these calories and nutrients to help you heal." He looked pretty bummed out until he had this great idea. "OK", he says, "Just have her dump one in the blender with some ice cream and make me a shake out of it." The man is ecstatic he can be eating as much ice cream as he wants and nobody can say anything about it.
I think it's been a few days since I have thanked everyone for the prayers and well wishes. I hope that you all realize how much my family appreciates the power and strength it has brought to my dad, Popo, and for this we are eternally grateful. He is making amazing progress and blows me away with each step of this incredible journey. I always new that he was strong but this recovery is beyond anything I could have ever comprehended until I had to witness it with my own eyes. Dad, I love you! Keep up the GREAT work.


dana said...

Go Popo, Go Popo, Go Popo,

You know we are all so proud of you. Turner, Annabelle and Maddy-girl are so happy you get to eat ice cream and pudding. They are just wondering how they can get in on that deal. It sounds pretty good to them to have ice cream at every meal. You are doing an unbelievable job getting yourself healthy. You looked great when I left and I can't wait to see how great you look when I return to Albany Med. again. We are always thinking of you in Cleveland.

Love, Dane, Sorge, T, Annabelle and Maddy-girl.

Bev said...

You go, Joe! You are an inspiration!
Keeping you in my prayers!
See you this weekend.

dana said...

i love you very much. i will give y0y gentle hugs and kisses when i see you at thanksgiving.

i heart you,

dana said...

hope you feel better soon. i love misha girl. i love you and nana.
see you soon.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update Stac, since I didn't get a call yesterday! The first time in 41 days I didn't speak to anyone about the day. I took that as a sign that dad had a great day and reading the blog today I see I was right. Pam said to me last night before bed that it was the first day I hadn't mentioned anything about dad, not that I wasn't thinking about him every minute. I am in complete amazement at your rate of healing. I only wish I could be there everyday with you. I can't believe how much better you look each time I see you. We all love you and the boys say "extre prayers for Popo" and "Popo feel better" every night before bed - Graham even asks out of nowhere "Popo feel better?" and we say he is getting better every day. We can't wait to see you again!

Love, Pam, Scott, Bryce, and Graham

joan palatine said...

Hi Joe and Cindi - We're just back from vacation in Croatia and so happy to hear all your good news. When this is over you should write a book. It's wonderful story of strong family and friends. Looking forward to seeing you on golf course next year. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Joan

Anonymous said...

We read your blog everyday and everyday our prayers and thoughts are with you.
love,gladie and jay